Thank you!


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I am overwhelmed with the support that has been given to this project.  You all are truly angels!  My home has become blanket central.  We have received over 400 blankets.  We didn’t quite reach our goal but have so many adorable blankets that will bless the lives of these children whom have been affected by this tragedy.

I do have a contact in Connecticut who will be delivering the blankets.  Her son attends Sandy Hook and she personally knows the needs of these children.   She is so excited to wrap these blankets around the children.

There have been many miracles in this project.  I couldn’t  have done this without the help of each one of you!  I have had monetary donations, fabric donations, willing hands to tie and bind the quilts.  Boise Cascade donated boxes to use to ship the blankets.  ABF shipping has agreed to ship the blankets for free.   Last but not least, my family has been so supportive of this project.  They have been patient with me when I didn’t have dinner on the table, clean clothes in their drawers or food in the refrigerator because I have blankets on the brain.

I feel like this project has blessed more than the children, it has blessed all who have donated.  Thank you!

I love you all!

Progress Report

We have received or have commitments for over 300 blankets!!!

Thank you for all of your generosity and willingness to help with this project.

Blankets for Newtown

Here is one blanket in the process of being tied.

*We will keep you updated on progress as it is made*

Doing something

I have thought a lot about the tragic events that took place on Friday. I have wanted to help in some way. I have wanted to reach out and let these families and these children know that as a nation we are praying for them and wishing the best for them. The thought came to me that maybe I could convince my family and friends to help me make enough quilts to help the community of Newtown.

When my brother died, we had loving neighbors that made each of us kids a blanket to remember my brother. During those hard days that followed I’d wrap myself up in that blanket and feel close to my brother. It’s one of my prize possessions to this day.

Growing up, a homemade flannel quilt always made me feel safe and loved.  That is the feeling I would like to give these children. I know that it will take much more than a quilt but maybe a quilt could help a little. If you are interested in helping, please let me know. This could get out of control really fast if we don’t stay organized.

The quilts need to be flannel on both sides, 45 x 60 with 11 ounce batting and tied with yarn. They need to be done by January 10th.

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